Girl behind the camera

 I have been lugging around a camera since I was 12 years old. I dreamed of what it would be like to be a professional photographer, never thinking in my wildest dreams I would ever end up on this journey BUT here we are! My dream is a reality and I truly couldn't be more thrilled about it! I have always been drawn to the power and feeling an image holds, I mean going back to a photo from before I was born, and being able to look at the rawness, the emotion, it is incredible that a photograph can hold that much power. It's almost as if you can feel what the person or couple was feeling in that precise moment. I'd say it's PURE MAGIC!

I'm the face and bouncy curly redhead behind the lens capturing your beautiful faces! Born + raised near the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

but you can call me Chole if you'd like

Oh Hey Hey, I'm Nichole

Chris and I met long before we actually remember, I think I was maybe 16 or could say that's where it began and then fate stepped in. December of 2013, our paths crossed, well I was shoved into him..yeah AWKWARD, we struck up a conversation and realized we both had our eyes on each other for sometime. It wasn't until early into the New year that things shifted and fate stepped in once more, we ended up at the same bar right next to each other and you might say the rest is history. 


I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to say that my heart, without question belongs to the guy I had my eye on and who I never thought in a thousand years knew I existed. I'm still just as smitten with him as I was the first moment we spoke. Being in love with him makes me feel like I can conquer the world, and I'll tell you right now, I LIVE FOR THAT FEELING. 


Did you ever find yourself watching 80's rom-com hoping one day you would get a boombox serenade?

Shout out to my incredible husband for allowing me to understand the true meaning of "can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fence, world series kinda stuff"-and hope to have the opportunity to embody that same feeling for you!!

playing with our fur children, we have one goofy pup and two amazing cats. All three of them keep us on our toes

sipping wine at some of our favorite local wineries or honestly in the comfort of our own home

hitting the trails, its our breath of fresh air, our escape

watching an unhealthy amount of murder mystery documents 

Chasing sunsets 


Spending all the time we can in the mountains

In our free time you can find us...

Looking for a new pal to wander the trails, share the burning leg pain as you approach a summit, snap a few photos, or perhaps bond over endless giggles. I'M YOU'RE FREAKING GIRL! 

What's the real reason you're here..

enough about me, lets get down to the nitty gritty.

I was at a Crocodile farm, in the Land Down Under and had the chance to hold a baby croc..Well in that 38 sec moment, the baby croc and I made eye contact, next thing I knew I blacked out and came too, when everyone was yelling "CHOLE CHOLE, NOOOO". I was holding the baby croc by its tail and little dude was squirmin'! ps. No harm came to the baby croc

I yearn for living in one of the beautiful small mountain towns you'd see on a cheesy Hallmark channel Christmas movie

My obsession with my dog and 2 cats is no joke, some could say it's a problem..I just chalk it up to an intense love

In less than a 24 hour period after arriving in CO, I convinced my, now husband, to summit our first ever the dead of WINTER..we crushed it!

I strongly believe any struggling moments you have in life can simply be cured by lacing up your boots and making your way up a mountain. Nature has the power of healing all broken or damaged hearts.